SOOS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) group


We are in a race against time to better understand the role that the Southern Ocean plays in a changing climate. To complete the puzzle and devise effective mitigation strategies, it will take a broader collective effort – including under-represented and marginalized groups. For this reason, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a crucial part of the solution. By supporting the creation of a more diverse, equitable, inclusive and just SOOS community, we seek to expand the breadth and depth of our expertise, perspective and understanding of the Southern Ocean’s role in global environmental change.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are the core foundational capabilities of SOOS values. These tenets are actively considered in all SOOS activities, including the selection of its leadership. The SOOS EDI group is an ongoing initiative within SOOS to ensure we continue to act in accordance with our values. This group will play a strategic, implementation and advisory role and make recommendations to the SOOS Executive Committee and broader community where appropriate.

Our belief is that scientific research and progress actually depends on people’s different backgrounds, perspectives and frameworks, which enable us to approach problems differently, propose unique solutions and have better outcomes as well as a deeper common understanding.

The working group is open for involvement to anyone interested in this field. Click the button below to receive updates and further relevant information about the SOOS EDI group.

(Disclaimer: SOOS collects personal information as part of its reporting obligations to its funders. The SOOS EDI group has agreed that this type of information will not be used for metric purposes or for any other purposes other than monitoring to ensure that diversity across the various characteristics is achieved and maintained)

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Focus of Actions

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SOOS EDI actions will focus on:

  • developing and implementing approaches that make Southern Ocean science more welcoming to people of all cultural backgrounds, nationalities, career stage, genders, sexualities, and other axes of diversity;
  • ensuring that SOOS activities and efforts are open to all those interested in being involved, identifying barriers to full participation in SOOS and promoting ways to remove them;
  • engaging with allied communities working within the EDI space and sharing the knowledge obtained through our activities, continuously reflecting on and evaluating our progress, as well as updating our processes accordingly;
  • promoting a balanced membership and leadership across genders and career stages as well as other axes of diversity. The SOOS EDI group recognises that representation within the SOOS community reflects the wider problems seen in the wider Southern Ocean scientific community as well as in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) in general;
  • supporting SOOS in making Southern Ocean data free and accessible to anyone by providing guidance and advice
Last modified: 07/May/2024/JB