ABS Webinars
The SOOS Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sector (ABS) Regional Working Group is inviting everyone to their quarterly online seminar series.
During these seminars, 30-40 minutes will be dedicated to a research talk, while the remaining 20-30 minutes will be dedicated to general ABS discussion (e.g. upcoming fieldwork, databases, etc.).
The recording will be made available on the SOOS YouTube channel.
Upcoming Webinar
Future Webinars
Volunteers invited for upcoming months!
Please contact Andy Thompson from Caltech, Tiago Dotto from the University of East Anglia, or Yoshihiro Nakayama from Hokkaido University if you are interested in giving a presentation.
Contributions from early career scientists are particularly welcome! Webinar times and speakers will be publicized on the SOOS social media platforms.
Past Webinars
"K-NOW: Korea Network for Observation and prediction of ice sheet and sea level changes in a Warming world" by Won Sang Lee (Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)
16th November 2022 at 14:00 UTC
Find the recording here...
"Initial reports from the RV NB Palmer 2022 Expedition to the Amundsen Sea", by Patricia Yager, Tiago Dotto, Anna Wåhlin, and Robert Hall.
20th July 2022 at 16:00 UTC
Find the recording here...