Acknowledging SOOS

Acknowledging the contribution of SOOS to projects and the use of SOOSmap to source data is important for SOOS to show impact to our sponsors and governing bodies. Suggested acknowledgements of SOOS are provided below.

Suggested acknowledgement sentence on SOOS:

“This work was supported by the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), a joint initiative of SCOR and SCAR.”

“This work was supported by the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), a joint initiative of SCOR and SCAR, and used SOOS’ open-access data portal SOOSmap (”

Suggested acknowledgement on use of SOOSmap to source data:

“This study was supported by the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) and the data will be available through SOOS’ open-access data portal SOOSmap ( with the original dataset reference therein.” 

Other examples of previously used SOOS acknowledgements:

“This study was supported by the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) and the data will be available through SOOS’ open-access data portal SOOSmap (”

“We thank the key support of the SCAR and SCOR initiative the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS; over the years, which provided an excellent platform for data sharing, expertise exchange, international coordination of Southern Ocean measurements, and organization of meetings (both online and in person;

List of publications acknowledging SOOS

This list includes publications starting from 2024. If your publication is not on the list, please let us know here...

Last modified:31/Oct/2024/JB