Ross Sea RWG Meeting Series


The Ross Sea Regional Working Group is inviting everyone to join in their regular meeting series. These meetings are held online in a webinar-style every 2 months, alternating between the Pacific and Atlantic time zones, in order to keep up with projects based in the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. The meeting starts with round-the-table updates from recent expeditions and research projects. The second half of the meeting is open for presentations related to current work.

 The concept agenda:

  • Round the table update
  • Update from other time zone meeting
  • Short talks
  • Wrap up

If you would like to be informed about upcoming meeting, please click here... And choose the Ross Sea Regional Working Group from the SOOS working groups drop-down.

Presentations are also welcome. If you are interested in giving a short talk about upcoming field work, or any work you want to share or discuss from your work in the Ross Sea, feel free to send a message to Liv Cornelissen (for Pacific time zone meetings) or to Naomi Krauzig (for the Atlantic-European time zone meetings).

Previous recordings and notes are shared in a google drive for future reference. Please subscribe to get the details to the folder.

Everyone is welcome to join, and we encourage to forward this invite to anyone who might be interested.

Past Meetings

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Last modified: 04/Sept/2024/JB