
If you are interested in positions not advertised at the moment, please register your interest at info[at}soos.aq

Open calls:
SOOS ABS RWG: Call for Leadership Team Members
SOOS WAPSA RWG: ABS RWG: Call for Leadership Team Members
SOOS DMSC: Call for new Members

ABS RWG: Call for new Leadership Team Members

The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) invites nominations, including self-nominations, of interested individuals to serve on the leadership team of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sector (ABS) Regional Working Group (RWG). The Leadership Group drives the activities and strategic oversight of the working group, and should where possible, include a representative from each of the main nations working in the region, and diversity in gender, expertise and career level. For full Terms of Participation of the Leadership Group, please see here. Leadership member terms are for 4-years with a second term possible.

The objective of the ABS RWG is to assist delivery of coordinated and, where possible, standardized observations of essential physical, chemical and biological variables in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sector in the Southern Ocean in support of SOOS objectives.

The ABS RWG is currently led by Patricia Yager from the US and Pierre Dutrieux from the UK.
If you are interested to nominate for the Leadership Group, please email your CV and a Letter of Interest to info@soos.aq until the 30th September 2024.

WAPSA RWG: Call for new Leadership Team Members

The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) invite nominations, including self-nominations, of interested individuals to serve on the leadership team of the West Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc (WAPSA) Regional Working Group (RWG). The Leadership Group drives the activities and strategic oversight of the working group, and should where possible, include a representative from each of the main nations working in the region, and diversity in gender, expertise and career level. For full Terms of Participation of the Leadership Group, please see here. Leadership member terms are for 4-years with a second term possible.

The objective of the working group is to assist delivery of coordinated and, where possible, standardized observations of essential physical, chemical and biological variables in the West Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc Region in the Southern Ocean in support of SOOS objectives. The group aims to facilitate scientific discussion to allow for leveraged research.

The WAPSA RWG is currently led by Oscar Schofield and Juan Hoefer. If you are interested to nominate for the Leadership Group, please email your CV and a Letter of Interest to info@soos.aq until the 30th September 2024.

SOOS DMSC: Call for new Members

The SOOS Data Management Sub-Committee (DMSC) is inviting nominations of individuals, who have a professional data management expertise and who are affiliated with (inter)national data centres, networks and/or scientific data programmes. We particularly encourage applications from candidates of traditionally underrepresented groups. Click the button below to nominate yourself or someone you know, who wants to: 

  • Be part of an international community of data professionals with a special interest in Southern Ocean data systems
  • Contribute to the unique pool of expertise
  • Share knowledge, network and discuss challenges related to managing data, developing data systems or adopting the principles of FAIR and open data

Nominate yourself or someone you know! More information here...

Last modified 08/Aug/2024/JB