

Call for SOOS Scientific Steering Committee Nominations

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) invite nominations of qualified individuals to serve on the SOOS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for terms beginning in September 2024.

SOOS SSC members are selected for their scientific excellence and standing in a field of Southern Ocean science that is relevant to at least one of the SOOS Science Themes or Foundational Capabilities in the SOOS Science and Implementation Plan (2021-2025), and connection to, and representation of a SOOS-relevant community or program. The SOOS objectives are multidisciplinary and integrated, thus SSC members need to have interests in developing and planning of system-scale implementation strategies, beyond their core scientific interests. The SSC membership strives to maintain diversity through disciplinary, nationality, gender and career-stage balance. SOOS encourages nominations from under-represented groups. Information on current SOOS SSC members is available here. Membership on the SSC is for a three-year period, with the potential for renewal for an additional three years, on approval of the SOOS Executive Committee, SCAR and SCOR.

The SOOS SSC is responsible for guiding and advocating for the implementation of SOOS, in alignment with the SOOS Science and Implementation Plan (2021-2025). The SSC members are expected to commit the time and interest required to actively engage in SOOS activities. The SSC meets annually in-person and virtually two to three times a year.  SSC members also engage in SOOS working groups, capability groups and task teams, as appropriate. In some instances, SSC members will be invited to represent SOOS at scientific meetings, usually on an opportunistic basis. For a full description of the role of the SSC and expectations of SSC members, please see the SOOS Governance Terms of Reference.

Nominations, including self-nominations, should include the following information:

  • Completed Nominee Details Form
  • Letter from nominee highlighting interest and intended contribution to SOOS
  • Two supporting letters for the nomination that highlight the nominee’s interest and potential contribution to SOOS
  • CV (3 pages maximum including 5 highlighted publications)

Nomination files  should be submitted to the SOOS Executive Officer, Alyce Hancock (info[at]soos.aq), by 15th July 2024.  

For more information about SOOS and its SSC please visit the SOOS website or contact Alyce Hancock (info[at]soos.aq).

CAPS CWG: Call for ECR Representative

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS, http://www.soos.aq) are looking for an early career scientist to join the SOOS Censusing Animal Populations from Space (CAPS) Capability Working Group (CWG) as ECR representative.

The successful applicant will have an interest in coordinating satellite remote sensing efforts for marine predators in the Southern Ocean. The early career representative will participate in telecons and meetings, help to take minutes and compile notes, serve as a liaison to APECS, help to prepare newsletter items, and contribute to other activities within the SOOS CAPS working group. We are interested in receiving applications from any countries, including those not yet represented by the WG Leadership Group.

The position will be for 2 years (2024-2025 and 2025-2026) and non-salaried, with the potential for co- authorship of publications.

To apply, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • early career researcher (up to 5 years past PhD)
  • have a research background that fits the focus of the group


More information on how to apply here until 14th July...

SOOS DMSC: Call for new Members

The SOOS Data Management Sub-Committee (DMSC) is inviting nominations of individuals, who have a professional data management expertise and who are affiliated with (inter)national data centres, networks and/or scientific data programmes. We particularly encourage applications from candidates of traditionally underrepresented groups. Click the button below to nominate yourself or someone you know, who wants to: 

  • Be part of an international community of data professionals with a special interest in Southern Ocean data systems
  • Contribute to the unique pool of expertise
  • Share knowledge, network and discuss challenges related to managing data, developing data systems or adopting the principles of FAIR and open data

Nominate yourself or someone you know! More information here...

Last modified 25/Jun/2024/JB