Other Specialised Data Repositories

This page lists key specialised data repositories for the Southern Ocean. These include bathymetric, tide gauge, and geoscience data, as well as cruise reports from research vessels. Data on these topics are also often held in National Antarctic Data Centres and other multidisciplinary repositories.

Acronym Full Name Description
GLOSS Global Sea Level Observation System A global network of coastal sea level monitoring stations
IBCSO International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean A digital bathymetric model, and the underlying points from which the model was derived
MGDS Marine Geoscience Data System Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data Portal Hosts marine geoscience data collected by US-based survey ships
POGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans Hosts cruise reports from ships in the European fleet. In the future, it is expected to also host cruise reports from US and Australian ships.
PSMSL Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level Provides tide gauge data
R2R Rolling Deck To Repository Hosts cruise reports from NSF-funded research vessels
Have we made a mistake or missed a key data repository? Please contact the SOOS data officer.