MEASO Summary for Policy Makers
Key Findings and Translations

The Summary for Policymakers sets out 40 key findings, including:
Managing for change: Long-term maintenance of Southern Ocean ecosystems, particularly polar-adapted Antarctic species and coastal systems, can only be achieved by urgent global action to curb climate change and ocean acidification.
Measuring change: There is a need for investment in sustained, year-round and ocean-wide scientific assessment and monitoring of the health of the ocean by the international community.
Projecting change: Models are needed to understand what future habitat changes and human impacts will mean to different ecosystems, communities and species.
Value and importance of Southern Ocean ecosystems: The Southern Ocean is globally connected and important to climate and oceanography and provides food and breeding grounds to many migratory species. However, the movement and activities of humans, including the introduction of non-native species, diseases, and pollution, threatens this unique ecosystem.
Changing habitats in the Southern Ocean: Southern Ocean habitats, from the ice at the surface to the bottom of the deep sea, are changing. The warming of the ocean, decline in sea ice, melting of glaciers, collapse of ice shelves, changes in acidity, and direct human impacts such as fishing, are all impacting different parts of the ocean and their inhabitants.
Biological changes and vulnerabilities: The organisms that live in the Southern Ocean, from microscopic plants to whales, are facing a changing environment. How most species will react is uncertain, but important foundation species such as Antarctic krill are likely to decline and impact the whole ecosystem.
Translations of Key Findings
The following translations are available at present. Further translations will be added. If you want to contribute a translation or have questions about a particular language, please contact us here.
MEASO SPM Key Findings - Nederlands
MEASO SPM Key Findings - Français
MEASO SPM Key Findings - Português
MEASO SPM Key Findings - Español
Media Releases
- Sea change: new blueprint for Southern Ocean survival
More than 200 scientists from 19 countries want to tell us the Southern Ocean is in trouble
Report reveals global policymakers must address climate change effects to save Southern Ocean
As the Southern Ocean starts feeling the heat scientists try to protect the region
Mudança do mar: novo projeto para a sobrevivência do Oceano Antártico
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Last modified: 24/10/2023/JB